爱上新玩意Love Lust(2011)


主演:Rita Nakouzi/Kate Harding/Scott Stoddart

导演:Norm Green / Maija Norris / 编剧:Norm Green/Alec Michod/Jeffrey Notten/Jeffrey Rotter


爱上新玩意主演:Rita Nakouzi/Kate Harding/Scott Stoddart, 美国圣丹斯(SUNDANCE)电视台特约制作。比基尼、IPOD、性感内衣。让我们揭示这些让人趋之若鹜的商品背后的故事。圣丹斯电视台的流行文化博士、工业专家和几位影视明星为我们讲述不同历史时期的流行服饰、技术、食品、化妆等对于异性的吸引,以及这些标志性的流行产品是如何影响一代人对于爱情与色欲的理解。
The bikini, the little black dress, street food, cocktails. Get the backstory of a few of our favorite things. 'Love Lust' is a fun and surprising look at the innovative products and ideas that ignited a love affair with us all. Sundance Channel's favorite pop culture pundits, industry experts, and a few candid celebrities tell us the inside history of the most iconic items in fashion, tech, food, beauty, and more to see what fuels our romance with the defining symbols of our times.


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