
又名:麦难民 / I’m Living It / I'm Livin' It

主演:郭富城 Aaron Kwok/杨千嬅 Miriam Yeung/万梓良 Alex Man/张达明 Tat-Ming Cheung/鲍起静 Hee Ching Paw/顾定轩 Zeno Koo/刘雅瑟 Yase Liu/岑日珈 Angie Shum/劳浩羽 Jeffrey/黄悦珈/苏浩才 Sammy So/苗可秀 Nora Miao/吴嘉星 Kathy Wu

导演:黄庆勋 / 编剧:潘幸枝 Ja Poon Hang-Kei

上映日期:2020-09-17(中国大陆) / 2019-10-29(东京电影节)片长:114M


麦路人主演:郭富城 Aaron Kwok/杨千嬅 Miriam Yeung/万梓良 Alex Man/张达明 Tat-Ming Cheung/鲍起静 Hee Ching Paw/顾定轩 Zeno Koo/刘雅瑟 Yase Liu/岑日珈 Angie Shum/劳浩羽 Jeffrey/黄悦珈/苏浩才 Sammy So/苗可秀 Nora Miao/吴嘉星 Kathy Wu, 曾是一位金融才俊的阿博(Bowen),终日在24小时快餐店借宿,店内有不少同路人与阿博为伍,相互改写了各自的人生。分别有一直为奶奶还债而债台高筑的妈妈带着囡囡、不敢回家的等伯、刚离家出走的少年深仔,还有暂居庇护宿舍的歌女阿珍都以阿博为首,各人互相扶持,希望能尽力帮助彼此走过人生低谷…..
Once a star in the finance firm, Bowen now spends his nights in a 24-hour fast food joint, where he encounters others who are in a similar predicament. Together, these accidental people must strive to lift one another out of rock bottom.

