Mr. Student Body President Season 1(2016)

主演:杰里米·沙达 Jeremy Shada/Arden Rose/克里斯蒂娜·摩尔 Christina Moore



Mr. Student Body President Season 1主演:杰里米·沙达 Jeremy Shada/Arden Rose/克里斯蒂娜·摩尔 Christina Moore,
Tyler Prendergast (Jeremy Shada) is the most ambitious student body president in the history of Berenger High. With his Machiavellian chief of staff, Hadley (Arden Rose), Prendergast runs the school like a slick politician on Capitol Hill, as he maintains power by any means necessary. With ambitions ranging from throwing the greatest pep rally in school history, to finding his own "first lady," to crushing his opponents (even innocent Freshman), Prendergast sets off political fireworks whenever he clashes with the new school principal (Christina Moore). If she thinks she can stand in his way, she'll soon learn soon enough. School is now in session.

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