
又名:天书奇谭4K纪念版 / The Legend of Sealed Book / Secrets of the Heavenly Book

主演:丁建华 Jianhua Ding/毕克 Ke Bi/苏秀 Xiu Su/程晓桦 Xiaohua Cheng/施融 Rong Shi/于鼎 Ding Yu/杨成纯 Chengchun Yang/孙渝烽 Yufeng Sun/胡庆汉 Qinghan Hu/尚华 Hua Shang/刘广宁 Guangning Liu/乔榛 Zhen Qiao/严崇德 Chongde Yan/伍经纬 Jingwei Wu/童自荣 Zirong Tong/程玉珠 Yuzhu Cheng/曹雷 Lei Cao/王建新 Jianxin Wang/杨文元 Wenyuan Yang/富润生 Runsheng Fu/刘钦 Qin Liu/刘风 Feng Liu/翟巍 Wei Zhai/张欣 Xin Zhang/郭易峰 Yifeng Guo/王肖兵 Xiaobing Wang

导演:王树忱 / 钱运达 / 编剧:王树忱 Shuchen Wang/包蕾 Lei Bao

上映日期:1983(中国大陆) / 2021-11-05(中国大陆重映)片长:89M


天书奇谭主演:丁建华 Jianhua Ding/毕克 Ke Bi/苏秀 Xiu Su/程晓桦 Xiaohua Cheng/施融 Rong Shi/于鼎 Ding Yu/杨成纯 Chengchun Yang/孙渝烽 Yufeng Sun/胡庆汉 Qinghan Hu/尚华 Hua Shang/刘广宁 Guangning Liu/乔榛 Zhen Qiao/严崇德 Chongde Yan/伍经纬 Jingwei Wu/童自荣 Zirong Tong/程玉珠 Yuzhu Cheng/曹雷 Lei Cao/王建新 Jianxin Wang/杨文元 Wenyuan Yang/富润生 Runsheng Fu/刘钦 Qin Liu/刘风 Feng Liu/翟巍 Wei Zhai/张欣 Xin Zhang/郭易峰 Yifeng Guo/王肖兵 Xiaobing Wang, 天庭有珍奇书籍“天书”,被锁在石龛门里三千年。看守天书的袁公对天书的内容好奇不已,他乘无人之际,偷偷拿出观看。原来,天书上记录了一百〇八条法术,袁公偷偷下凡,把天书上的内容刻在石壁上。但本意造福人类的袁公此举却触犯了天条,遭到了玉帝的惩罚。   炼丹炉里的仙丹不慎被三条狐狸偷吃了,她们变成精下凡骗人钱财,还假扮仙姑和官府勾结,欺压百姓,祸害人间。袁公便指引天赋异禀的蛋生——一个从蛋里跳出来的孩子修习天书上的法术,和狐狸精斗智斗勇,为民除害。
Yuangong, the deacon, opened the shrine and exposed the holy book to the human world. He also carved the contents of the book on the stone wall of white cloud cave in the mountains. He is now punished to guard the book for life by the jade emperor for breaking heaven's law and betraying the holy secret to human. In order to pass this holy book to human beings, he would have to get by the antagonist fox.

