

上映日期:2015-05-20(戛纳电影节) / 2015-10-07(法国)片长:79分钟

主演:Soria Zeroual Kenza Noah Aïche Chawki Amari Franck Andrieux Yolanda Mpele 

导演:菲利普·福孔 / 编剧:菲利普·福孔 Philippe Faucon


法蒂玛(索里娅·泽鲁阿尔 Soria Zeroual 饰)是一位勇敢的单身母亲,带着两个女儿苏阿德(Kenza Noah Aïche 饰)和娜斯蕾(琪塔·昂赫 Zita Hanrot 饰)生活在热闹繁华的大都市巴黎,母女三人过着相依为命的生活。苏阿德正值青春期,母亲的很多举动无法获得她的理解,母女两人之间的关系十分淡漠。娜斯蕾考上了医学院,她是母亲心中的骄傲,但同时,昂贵的学费也让法蒂玛感到肩上的负担越发沉重。   法蒂玛不会说法文,而她的两个女儿在法国长大,不愿意学习阿拉伯语,因为语言的不通,两代人之间的隔阂越来越深。在一场意外中,法蒂玛从楼梯上摔了下来必须卧床数月,在期间,她开始用阿拉伯语给女儿们写信。
Plot Summary:Fatima lives on her own with two daughters to support: 15-year old Souad, a teenager in revolt, and 18-year old Nesrine, who is starting medical school. Fatima speaks French poorly and is constantly frustrated by her daily interactions with her daughters. Her pride and joy, they are also a source of worry. To ensure the best possible future for them, she works odd hours as a cleaning woman. One day, she takes a fall on the stairs. On leave, Fatima begins to write to her daughters in Arabic that which she has never been able to express in French.


Sabrina • 移民问题是法国电影人无法回避的社会议题

1. 法国电影这是要跟移民问题干上了,完全无法摆脱移民对这个社会的影响,这些导演、编剧们也把目光投向

sadoo • 也许这些都是我恐婚的理由

电影频道在3月8日这天选了这部片子播出,真是发人深省。 片子里的法蒂玛离异,带着两个女儿,在语言不通