I'd watched this drama before I commenced my new position within a Canadian financial institution, in one of its most prestigious departments. It felt true. After 8 months with the team and on the floor (while not physically), it felt, even more, real and sort of suffocating. I can feel the pressure, even if you speak their language. It will add another level of pressure when you can't speak fluently, come from a totally different background, and were born and bred in pure Chinese culture. If by any chance, I could speak English like a native, and be sharp and clear about things around me, I should've done way better. I don't want to give up, however, I'm not sure where is this dreary commitment coming from. Anyways, language is the bedrock and again, if you could speak their language, you would put all your fear aside and work/live on. The question is, how?

投行风云 第一季的影评