圣丹斯电影节2021年展映片,重现当年推特上轰动一时的Zola “话题”

“Y’all wanna hear a story about why me & this bitch here fell out??? It’s kind of long but so full of suspense“



The film is designed and structured like social media. Filmmaker Bravo fittingly makes you feel like you’re scrolling and reading through the film. It lays everything bare – the dusk laden with bewitching color and the extrinsic coolness has something endearingly personal about it. But at the same time, it also seems convenient and at home with its exciting atmosphere, technicality, and plot. So much so that the director seems to lack the sharpness it could have had. At times, the writing doesn’t have enough clarity about its liberties (if any) and something truly feels blank or rather astray about the progressions.
