哆啦A梦:大雄的月球探险记映画ドラえもん のび太の月面探査記(2019)

又名:哆啦A梦剧场版:大雄的月面探查记 / 哆啦A梦:大雄的月球探测记 / 哆啦A梦:月球探险记

上映日期:2019-06-01(中国大陆) / 2019-03-01(日本)片长:111

主演:水田山葵 大原惠美 嘉数由美 木村昴 关智一 大谷育江 皆川纯子 铃木晶子 渡边明乃 广濑爱丽丝 中冈创一 吉田钢太郎 柳乐优弥 高桥茂雄 高木涉 松本保典 荻野志保子 庆长佑香 矢口麻美 寺岛拓笃 三石琴乃 武田幸史 生天目仁美 金光宣明 村濑迪与 鸟海胜美 小原好美 酒井蓝 

导演:八锹新之介 / 编剧:藤子·F·不二雄 F. Fujio Fujiko/辻村深月 Mizuki Tsujimura


《哆啦A梦:大雄的月球探险记》(2019)原名《映画ドラえもん のび太の月面探査記》字幕下载 / 又名《哆啦A梦剧场版:大雄的月面探查记 / 哆啦A梦:大雄的月球探测记 / 哆啦A梦:月球探险记》中文字幕下载

Set in Seoul, South Korea during the 1970s, Seung-hyun Kim saw a moon turned black last night and told his class about it but they think it's empire. Doraemon Hero Heisei gives him the "History Explorers World War Badge" and discovers there's life war on the moon in year 2039. Until a new student changed him battle legendary destruction and chaos while public prosecutor fight Diabolo evil attempts to take down.

