少女戏春潮The Beach Girls(1982)

又名:水青春 / 海滩女孩 / 救生


主演:Debra Blee Val Kline Jeana Keough 詹姆斯·多顿 

导演:Pat Townsend / 编剧:帕特里克 沙恩 顿肯 (Patrick Sheane Duncan)/Phil Groves


《少女戏春潮》(1982)原名《The Beach Girls》字幕下载 / 又名《水青春 / 海滩女孩 / 救生》中文字幕下载

School is out, and three girls head to the beach for vacation. Two of the girls are world-wise party-goers who attempt to loosen up their naive, virginal friend, whose uncle has allowed the girls to stay at his beach house. When the near-sighted, drug smuggling Captain Bly dumps his cargo of marijuana, the bales wash up on shore. The two party girls, Ginger and Ducky, quickly stuff the dope into giant bags and spirit it back to the beach house, where it fuels a party with assorted misfits, delivery persons, and passersby.


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