
又名:外星战将 / 太空城


主演:迈克尔·杰克逊 乔·佩西 肖恩·列侬 Kelley Parker 布兰登·昆恩·亚当斯 

导演:科林·奇尔弗斯 / Jerry Kramer / Jim Blashfield / 编剧:戴维·纽曼 David Newman/迈克尔·杰克逊 Michael Jackson


《月球漫步》(1988)原名《Moonwalker》字幕下载 / 又名《外星战将 / 太空城》中文字幕下载

A movie that starts out with the "Man in the Mirror" music video, it then changes to a montage of video clips of Michael's career. Next comes a parody of his Bad video by children, and then Michael is chased by fans in a fantasy sequence. 2 more videos are shown, and then a movie in which Michael plays a hero with magical powers. In it he is chased by drug dealer Mr. Big and saves three children. Videos included in the movie are "Smooth Criminal" and "Come Together".
