The Battle of Algiers, a Film Within History(2017)



导演:Malek Bensmaïl / 


  The Battle of Algiers is one of the most celebrated films of all time. Made in 1966, it documented Algeria's war for independence. Returning to the roots of the production and the personalities involved, this documentary explores what made the film so profound, as well as the controversies surrounding it. Was the truth it was intent on recounting warped by the filmmakers' proxi...$Watched for supovision - provides interesting perspective on how built environment and gender can be interpreted/manipulated in the context of war and social revolution.$《阿尔及尔之战》已经成了旷世经典 ‘新现实主义’电影最佳诠释 Gillo Pontecorvo威尼斯封神 这部片神的地方就是全片只有一个专业演员Jean Martin,其余演员均为业余,最牛的就是反派FLN头目的角色为其本人真人亲自出演(Yacef Saadi),他的演技不输专业演员,而且外形还很俊朗,最牛的就是Saadi答应导演出总制作成本的20%,利用自己的武力优势 从 ben Bella政府...$豆瓣竟然搜不出the battle of algiers😂


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