Eye for an Eye: Henrietta(2016)

主演:Karen Corona / Erich Riegelmann / Rick Dano / 

导演:Elia Petridis / 


Eye for an Eye: Henrietta:在线播放


Eye for an Eye: Henrietta:最新迅雷BT资源


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Eye for an Eye: Henrietta:剧情介绍

酷云影视为您提供2016年由Karen Corona Erich Riegelmann Rick Dano 主演,Elia Petridis导演的《Eye for an Eye: Henrietta》电影在线观看,《Eye for an Eye: Henrietta》百度云网盘资源以及《Eye for an Eye: Henrietta》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Eye for an Eye: Henrietta》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Vista Del Mar, 1980s, a stripper past her prime, forced to leave her work of employ, sets out to find her friend that's gone missing a few days prior. Shacking at the halfway house where her friend was last seen, Henrietta discovers that she is not just a dancer, but a medium, using her powers for the first time, she solves her friend's disappearance at a price.
Plot Summary:Vista Del Mar, 1980s, a stripper past her prime, forced to leave her work of employ, sets out to find her friend that's gone missing a few days prior. Shacking at the halfway house where her friend was last seen, Henrietta discovers that she is not just a dancer, but a medium, using her powers for the first time, she solves her friend's disappearance at a price.
