Les bourreaux de Staline - Katyn, 1940(2020)

主演:Joseph Stalin / 

导演:Cédric Tourbe / 


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Les bourreaux de Staline - Katyn, 1940:剧情介绍

酷云影视为您提供2020年由Joseph Stalin 主演,Cédric Tourbe导演的《Les bourreaux de Staline - Katyn, 1940》电影在线观看,《Les bourreaux de Staline - Katyn, 1940》百度云网盘资源以及《Les bourreaux de Staline - Katyn, 1940》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Les bourreaux de Staline - Katyn, 1940》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

The Soviet Union commanded the killing of 22 000 Polish prisoners in 1940. 4500 of them were killed in the Katyn forest, in Russia. This sheds light on the paranoid and cruel Soviet top ranks that made it happen.
Plot Summary:Since Rona has omitted to tell the council,who own her house,that her mother,the named tenant,has been dead for eleven years,Rona is informed that the council are planning to sell the house. However,if she can supply a birth certificate proving she is her mother's daughter she can stay in the property. As Rona cannot find the document Ben suggests holding a séance to get in touch with her mother who can tell them where it is. The séance is not a success but Rona does get to know who her mother is - Auntie Pearl.
