好心人(重置版)The Unlikely Good Samaritan(2019)

又名:The Not So Good Samaritan


主演:Charlie Aligaen Stephen Fuller Austin Clay Clarkson Nathan Clarkson Sally Clarkson Skyler Davenport Rachel Fenton Meggie Maddock Michael Norberg Ruselis Aumeen Perry Tanner Ream 埃里克·罗伯茨 Amy Treadwell 

导演:Brandon Toy / Nathan Clarkson / 


《好心人(重置版)》(2019)原名《The Unlikely Good Samaritan》字幕下载 / 又名《The Not So Good Samaritan》中文字幕下载

The Unlikely Good Samaritan follows the paths of two men: Sam, an ex-convict and mysterious drifter looking to escape his past and find new meaning in life, and Chris, a proud, small-town pastor and new husband, attempting to impress his congregation and deal with an issue that could shatter his wholesome image. The men s paths collide in a dramatic and intriguing way, challenging the characters to reexamine what a good person really looks like.


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