杀人短片Krótki film o zabijaniu(1988)

又名:杀人影片 / 杀诫 / 关于杀人的短片 / 教我如何去杀他 / A Short Film About Killing


主演:米罗斯洛·巴卡 克日什托夫·格洛比什 扬·特萨利兹 比涅尤·扎塔西奇斯 芭芭拉·杰坎 亚历山大·贝德纳茨 杰吉·泽斯 兹齐斯瓦夫·托比亚兹 阿图尔·巴奇斯 克里斯提娜·杨达 奥尔基尔德·鲁卡斯瑟维克茨 

导演:克日什托夫·基耶斯洛夫斯基 / 编剧:克日什托夫·基耶斯洛夫斯基 Krzysztof Kieslowski/克日什托夫·皮耶谢维茨 Krzysztof Piesiewicz


《杀人短片》(1988)原名《Krótki film o zabijaniu》字幕下载 / 又名《杀人影片 / 杀诫 / 关于杀人的短片 / 教我如何去杀他 / A Short Film About Killing》中文字幕下载

The plot couldn't be simpler or its attack on capital punishment (and the act of killing in general) more direct - a senseless, violent, almost botched murder is followed by a cold, calculated, flawlessly performed execution (both killings shown in the most graphic detail imaginable), while the murderer's idealistic young defence lawyer ends up as an unwilling accessory to the judicial murder of his client.


日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 [杀人影片].A.Short.Film.About.Killing.1988.1080p.BluRa
2019-05-12 [杀人影片].A.Short.Film.About.Killing.1988.1080p.BluRa
