Call It Luck(1934)

又名:Que Sorte! / Quelle veine!

上映日期:1934-07-10(美国) / 1934-11-11(芬兰) / 1934-11-23(法国)片长:65分钟

主演:帕特·帕特森 / 赫伯特芒丁 / 查尔斯·斯塔莱特 / 戈登·韦斯科特 / 乔治娅·凯恩 / 西奥多·范·艾尔兹 / Reginald Mason / Ernest Wood / Ray Mayer / Susan Fleming / 

导演:James Tinling / 编剧:达德利·尼柯尔斯 Dudley Nichols/乔治·马歇尔 George Marshall/拉玛·托尔蒂 Lamar Trotti/Joe Cunningham/Harry McCoy


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酷云影视为您提供1934年由帕特·帕特森 赫伯特芒丁 查尔斯·斯塔莱特 戈登·韦斯科特 乔治娅·凯恩 西奥多·范·艾尔兹 Reginald Mason Ernest Wood Ray Mayer Susan Fleming 主演,James Tinling导演的《Call It Luck》/又名《Que Sorte! / Quelle veine!》电影在线观看,《Call It Luck》百度云网盘资源以及《Call It Luck》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Call It Luck》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

A London taxicab driver cashes in on a big sweepstakes ticket and becomes the prey of a confidence-gang that sells him a nag of a cavalry horse on the claim that it is a brother to a current Derby winner.
Plot Summary:A London taxicab driver cashes in on a big sweepstakes ticket and becomes the prey of a confidence-gang that sells him a nag of a cavalry horse on the claim that it is a brother to a current Derby winner.
