
又名:苏古诺夫之太阳 / 日之丸 / The Sun / Solntse


主演:尾形一成 / Robert Dawson / 桃井薰 / 佐野史郎 / Shinmei Tsuji / Taijirô Tamura / Georgi Pitskhelauri / Hiroya Morita / 西泽俊明 / 六平直政 / Yusuke Tozawa / 草薙幸二郎 / Tetsuro Tsuno / Rokuro Abe / Jun Haichi / 

导演:亚历山大·索科洛夫 / 编剧:Yuri Arabov/Jeremy Noble





日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 The.Sun.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264-WiKi
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Solntse aka The Sun 2005 DVDRip Sonata Premiere
2019-05-11 Teni.na.solntse.2005.P2.DVDRip.avi
2019-05-11 INTO THE SUN 2005 DVDRip [2 pass] .mkv arcticwolf
2019-05-11 Into The Sun (2005).avi
2019-05-11 Into.the.Sun.2005.MULTiSUBS.PAL.DVD5-ORiGiNAL
2019-05-11 Into the Sun (2005) DVD-R - inc NL Subs - NLT Rele
2019-05-11 Потерявшие.солнце.2005.DVDRip-AVC.by.kvvk_2009
2019-05-11 Teni.na.solntse.2005.P2.DVDRip.745MB.avi
2019-05-11 Solntse.2005.DVDRip.XviD-MESS.avi
2019-05-11 Korol-Solntse.2005.DivX.DVDRip.Lordus
2019-05-11 Teni.na.solntse.2005.P2.DVDRip.avi
2019-05-11 Poteryavshie.solntse.(6.seriy.iz.6).2005.XviD.DVDR
2019-05-11 Into.the.Sun.2005.PAL.MULTiSUBS.DVD5-REFLUX
2019-05-11 W stronę słońca - Into the Sun 2005 [DVDRip] [DivX
2019-05-11 Into.the.Sun.2005.avi
2019-05-11 Shadows.in.The.Sun.2005.Dual.Audio
2019-05-11 Into The Sun (2005)-alE13
2019-05-11 Rihanna - Music Of The Sun [2005][CD+Vid+Covers]
2019-05-11 Documentary - National Geographic - Death Of The S
2019-05-11 Rihanna - Music Of The Sun [2005][CD+Vid+Covers]
2019-05-11 2005年季后赛 西部决赛 马刺 VS 太阳 G5 www.5anba.com出品 转载请注明
2019-05-11 2005 西部半决赛 05 05 21 小牛vs太阳 第六场
2019-05-10 Aleksandr Sokurov - Solntse AKA The Sun (2005)AVI
2019-05-10 Into the sun 2005 (NLsubs)(TinkerBell) TBS
2019-05-10 Into The Sun [DVDRIP][2005][English Subs Esp]
2019-05-10 Into.The.Sun.2005.XviD.AC3.2CD-WAFAVI
2019-05-10 Solntse.2005.XviD.DVDRipAVI
2019-05-10 Into The Sun 2005 DVDRip XviD-2005
2019-05-10 Into.The.Sun.2005.DVDrip.Swesub.XviD.AC3-Magic



酷云影视为您提供2005年由尾形一成 Robert Dawson 桃井薰 佐野史郎 Shinmei Tsuji Taijirô Tamura Georgi Pitskhelauri Hiroya Morita 西泽俊明 六平直政 Yusuke Tozawa 草薙幸二郎 Tetsuro Tsuno Rokuro Abe Jun Haichi 主演,亚历山大·索科洛夫导演的《太阳》/原名《Солнце》/又名《苏古诺夫之太阳 / 日之丸 / The Sun / Solntse》电影在线观看,《太阳》百度云网盘资源以及《太阳》高清mp4迅雷下载,《太阳》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

二战末期,轴心国败局已定,作为“邪恶轴心”一员的日本更面临巨大危机。亚太战场节节失利,两颗原子弹进一步摧毁了日本人的心理防线。作为日本最高统帅的裕仁天皇(尾形一成 饰),此时此刻面临着痛苦的抉择。   黑云压城城欲摧,这个身形瘦小的男人,他的内心世界无人能近……   本片为俄罗斯导演亚历山大•索科洛夫“20世纪统治者三部曲”(亦作“统帅三部曲”)中的第三部,前后制作共花费8年时间,影片被评为2005年亚美尼亚埃里温国际电影节最佳影片。
Plot Summary:As Japan nears defeat at the end of World War II, Emperor Hirohito starts his day in a bunker underneath the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. A servant reads to him a list of activities for the day, including a meeting with his ministers, marine biology research, and writing his son. Hirohito muses about the impact on such schedules when the Americans arrive but is told that as long as there is a solitary Japanese person living, the Americans will not reach The Emperor. Hirohito replies that he at times feels like he himself will be the last Japanese person left alive. The servant reminds him that he is a deity, not a person, but Hirohito points out that he has a body just like any other man. He later reflects on the causes of the war when dictating observations about a hermit crab, and then about the peace to come when composing a letter to his son. Soon enough General Douglas MacArthur's personal car is sent to bring him through the ruins of Tokyo for a meeting with the supreme commander of the victorious occupying forces. Underlying all the conversation that follows is the question of Hirohito's future, either as Emperor or a war criminal. The two very different men strangely bond after sharing dinner and Havana cigars, and Hirohito leaves, renounces his divine nature, and is re-united with his family in the palace to face a new life to help re-build his war-ravaged country as a constitutional monarch.


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  • 肥力

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    一個改編歷史的故事 且看按正史整理的時序: 1945年8月15日:日本宣布投降 1945年8月28日:美軍開始在東京附近登陸 1945年8月30日:麥克阿瑟乘坐的飛機,在東京附近的厚木機場降落 19...
