Exothermic reaction

Squeeze the poison out

Diet stuff has a weird aftertaste

Inserting rectal thermometer

This is official business

Missile deactivated

Do u need that mug

This one can wrap u in an inflatable hug

A grenade.

Can’t save the world with a hug.

Glitter makes people happy?

Because the refracted light cause the enterochromafiin cells to release serotonin,

Let’s do the hard way.

Can u un-bird me

Oil slick

This man trippin


The antidote.

That’s going to take 18 hours to render.

In fact, do u know that pigeons can see in slow motion?

Because, fact, pigeons can fly up to 92.7 miles per hour.

And in fact, pigeons are highly intelligent animals who like to play games.

Fact, pigeons can see ultraviolet light which is a broad spectrum of light the human eye can’t even see.

Fact, pigeons are flock animals.

Why does it taste amazing?

Give me 10 feet, back up.

Its basic physics

You won’t even know I’m here.

Bio-dynamic concealmen

Pretend like you are a normal person talking to a much cooler normal person.

In precisely 45 seconds u will transform into a pigeon.

Your body is being flooded with endorphins to prepare you for the immense physical pain you’re about to experience.

The “nobody” graduated MIT at 15 and invented a way to edit human genomes in middle school.

Dude is jeopardy!

Evil doesn’t care that you are nice

I watch good people be taken every day.


They are gluten-free.

I could have done this without you.

U’ve reached the time limit on this.

What happens in the submarine stays in the submarine.

It just kinda slipped out.

Some overpriced face lotion that his skin looks that good without help.

My pecs. My pectoral muscles. My abdominal.

That’s what it means to be a team.

It’s something I learned a long time ago.


I’m not leading nothing.

But one day, your ideas your gadgets are gonna keep the world safe.

You kept all those people safe and you did it your way.

Team weird?

Team weird.

变身特工Spies in Disguise(2019)

又名:变雀特工(港) / 变身特务(台) / 百变间谍王 / 飞鸽特工队 / 伪装间谍 / 间谍伪装 / 鸽中谍

上映日期:2020-01-03(中国大陆) / 2019-12-04(加州首映) / 2019-12-25(美国)片长:102分钟

主演:威尔·史密斯 汤姆·赫兰德 拉什达·琼斯 本·门德尔森 瑞芭·麦肯泰尔 瑞秋·布罗斯纳安 凯伦·吉兰 DJ卡拉德 丘增 斯特凡 卡拉·吉门内斯 JB·布兰科 艾德里安·冈萨雷斯 尼克·布鲁诺 特洛伊·奎安 

导演:尼克·布鲁诺 / 特洛伊·奎安 / 编剧:布拉德·科普兰 Brad Copeland/Lloyd Taylor
