
有答案的男子:One Last Dive

Leaping off from 10 meters high above the ground,
flying through the mid-air for 3 seconds straight,
only to expect the unescapable final intervention by gravity, the gravity of earth, the gravity of this routine, the gravity of this routine life.

Passion worn out day by day into a mechanical formality to get through.
Hauling sized-up muffin-top up the ladder to the same spot.
Colder feet on the edge each round ahead.
No more athletic medal-worthy exellence to awe the dwindling crowd in the stand.
Holding back the unnecessary jump and expecting less to be on the safe side emotionally.

But what if a klutzy jump without any dazzling twists at an age way past the career peak is all it takes to end the cycle?
What if that one last blind dive doesn't hit through the chilly water, rather send you right into a warm and firm embrace from someone passing by your pool?

A jump unworthy of medals.
A catch worthy of life.

有答案的男子The Man with the Answers(2021)

又名:邂逅爱之夏(港) / 我的意外男伴(台)

上映日期:2021-02-22(悉尼酷儿嘉年华) / 2021-07-20(美国)片长:80分钟

主演:瓦西里斯·马古里奥蒂斯 安东·威尔 皮尔·安德里亚·波斯尼亚 瓦西里斯·迪米特鲁利亚 里尼奥·德拉崎 罗尼·恩维 斯特拉·热罗尼 安东尼·卡萨里斯 玛丽亚·卢斯·拉托雷 弗朗兹斯科·洛佩兹 安妮塔·洛鲁索 索佐罗斯·米霍普洛斯 马克·皮斯托诺 艾丽莎·普林西比 毛罗·拉坎蒂 

导演:斯特里奥斯·卡米蒂斯 / 
