A Small Good Thing(2015)


主演:Stephen Cope / Tim Durrin / Shirley Edgerton / 

导演:Pamela Tanner Boll / 编剧:Pamela Tanner Boll/Nancy Kennedy


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A Small Good Thing:剧情介绍

酷云影视为您提供2015年由Stephen Cope Tim Durrin Shirley Edgerton 主演,Pamela Tanner Boll导演的《A Small Good Thing》电影在线观看,《A Small Good Thing》百度云网盘资源以及《A Small Good Thing》高清mp4迅雷下载,《A Small Good Thing》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

We've sought ease, comfort and wealth - but are people happier with more money? What is the science behind a good life? Following several people over a typical year, "A Small Good Thing" looks at the simple sources of human happiness.
Plot Summary:What makes up a happy life? For the longest time, we've been living as though the more we have-the more money, the more goods, the more territory-the happier we'll be. Surprisingly, over the last fifty years our standard of living has improved, but our happiness has not. "A Small Good Thing" follows three main stories - Jen and Pete, an idealistic, young couple who have just purchased land to farm, Tim, an Iraqi vet who uses yoga and cycling to keep addictions at bay, and Shirley, a community organizer who works with urban youth in a city overwhelmed by heroin addiction and blight. Over the course of a year, the film follows them through the inevitable ups and downs of life. To gain insight into the lives of Jen, Pete, Tim and Shirley, the film looks at the science behind our need to be in community and near nature - that it's crucial to human well-being, not some luxury to be reserved for vacations. The film also examines the economy of happiness to show how a connection to land and ...
