Druk (2020)

—— 摘自李白《将进酒》

At the end, Martin begins to dance and incorporate choreography while extremely drunk after his wife messages him about giving their marriage another chance. Mads Mikkelsen did all the dancing by himself and did not use a body double. He had not dance professionally for almost 30 years and practiced with a friend and a choreographer. He had also stated it was written because Thomas Vinterberg wanted to see if he can still dance.


The ending dance scene was shot over two days with Mads Mikkelsen dancing four or five hours per day.


The dancing Mads Mikkelsen's character, Martin, does at the end of the film includes movements from Drunken Boxing style Kung Fu.


For the ending dance scene, Thomas Vinterberg was inspired by the end scene of Zorba the Greek which features two men dancing on a beach. For Vinterberg, the dance in Zorba the Greek is a dancing catastrophe in the sense that what they tried to build throughout the whole movie has just crashed. And then they celebrate. Vinterberg was inspired by that. For him, the ending of Druk is also a sort of dancing catastrophe: Their friend died, and now they dance.


对于温特伯格来说,希腊人佐巴里的舞蹈是 a dancing catastrophe (以跳舞回应不幸),因为他们试图在整个影片中建立的都已经崩塌。于是他们庆祝。温特伯格受此启发,对他来说,影片结尾也是一种 dancing catastrophe:他们的朋友死了,他们在跳舞。

Years ago, when Mads Mikkelsen's daughter was a teenager, he picked her up at a party, and he picked a young guy up. He was dressed in a '60s suit and really pointed shoes, and he was drunk as a dog. He was just totally drunk, and Mikkelsen's daughter asked her father to drive the guy home, and Mikkelsen did that. Then the guy was insisting on carrying this whole crate of beers. He wanted it back home with him, and so they did that. And then a couple of months later, it happened again, the same guy. Mikkelsen just drove him home a couple of times. In a surreal coincidence, and unbeknownst to Mikkelsen, this guy's, Emil Goll, who's is the lead singer of the band Scarlet Pleasure, song "What a Life" accompanied the end scene of the film. It was Mikkelsen's daughter who warned her father about it. With the words of Mikkelsen, "it was a crazy circle."

几年前,麦叔的女儿还是青少年时,他从聚会接她回家,同时也捎带了另一个年轻人。这孩子穿着60年代的礼服和尖头皮鞋,醉的像只狗。就是因为他喝的酩酊大醉,麦叔的女儿请他父亲送他回家,麦叔就同意了。然后这个年轻人还坚持要带上一箱啤酒,麦叔也就带了。几个月之后,同样的事情再次发生,还是同一个年轻人。麦叔好几次送他回家。碰巧的是,麦叔不知道这个年轻人就是Emil Goll,Scarlet Pleasure 的主唱,也就是麦叔跳这支舞所配歌曲 “What a Life”的乐队主唱。


Denmark has some of the highest rates of teenage drinking in the world; a World Health Organization report released earlier in 2020 found that Danish 15-year-olds consumed alcohol at nearly double the European average. Recent efforts to raise the minimum age for purchasing alcohol to 18 from 16 have met with resistance, in part because older adults recall their own youthful intoxications so fondly.


According to Mads Mikkelsen, there was not any alcohol involved on shooting days. Yet off set, there was some experimentation on what specifically would happen at 0.5%, 0.8%... There was even a "little boot camp" to monitor how speech and movements changed. But for the "next crazy Charlie Chaplin level" the team watched a lot of YouTube videos.

据麦叔所言,影片拍摄期间并没有饮酒。但是在片场外会有些实验针对在血液酒精浓度 BAC(Blood alcohol concentration) 0.05%或0.08%时会怎样,甚至有一个 boot camp 监测说话和行动的变化。但是“更加疯狂的查理卓别林级别”剧组则通过观看很多油管上的视频来了解。

The film was based on a play Vinterberg had written while working at Burgtheater, Vienna. Additional inspiration came from Vinterberg's own daughter (Ida), who had told stories of the drinking culture within the Danish youth. Ida had originally pressed Vinterberg to adopt the play into a movie, and was slated to play the daughter of Martin (Mads Mikkelsen). The story was originally "A celebration of alcohol based on the thesis that world history would have been different without alcohol". However, four days into filming, Ida was killed in a car accident. Following the tragedy, the script was reworked to become more life affirming "It should not just be about drinking. It was about being awakened to life", stated Vinterberg. Tobias Lindholm served as director in the week following the accident. The film was dedicated to her, and was partially filmed in her classroom with her classmates.


原文引自 IMDb Druk (2020) 条目 Trivia


alexkhan • .