

走一步看一步:We could just wing it.

多重:How much does it weigh?

说个不停:He was going on and on about ...

读懂面部表情:read facial expressions

摘掉创可贴:take a Band-Aid off

冲洗水槽:rinse the sink


你在吹毛求疵:You are nitpicking.

别吹毛求疵/过分较真了!Don’t nitpick! (S02E06)

犹豫不决:hold back / Sth holds me back

想想好的一面:look on the bright side (of things)


准备就绪了:We’re all set.

把…从墙上撕下来:rip Sth off the wall

把…刮掉:scrape Sth off (Sth) (S01E16)

把…擦掉:wipe Sth off (Sth) (S02E08)

获得成就感:get a sense of achievement/accomplishment

逃到虚拟世界:escape into the virtual world

有点担心你:I’m just a little concerned about you.

着迷,上瘾:get/be hooked on Sth

支撑她的自尊心:shore up her self-esteem

增强我们的短板:shore up our weak link (S04E11)

与…有关:have something to do with …

与…无关:have nothing to do with …

任何事都与…有关:Everything has to do with …

这跟我有什么关系:What does this have to do with me? (S05E01)

完全错了:You are way off base.

在线注册:fill out the online registration for Sth

填表:fill out the form(S01E16)

护工:paramedic [ˌpærəˈmedɪk]

介绍某人:May I present Sb

我会想出办法的:I’ll figure it out.


卫生间的擦手纸巾:paper towels

卫生间的烘手机:(hot air) blowers

我感觉/觉得…:I sense + 句子

我没想到这点:I hadn’t considered that.

我没想到这点:I didn’t think of that. (S01E11)

我没想到这点:I hadn't thought of that. (S02E23)

我没思考过这个问题:I’ve never thought about it. / I’ve never given it much thoughts (S04E13)

不用麻烦了(客套话):You don’t have to go to any trouble.

把…P上去:digitally add a Sth

生闷气:sulk about Sth


让我想起:It brings to mind Sth

让我想起:It started me thinking about Sth(S01E09)


在…停一下:stop at + 地点

事业停滞不前:My career has been stagnant for a few years.

事业走到尽头:My career has reached the end of the road. (S04E14)

我整晚没睡在做…:I was up all night doing …

我整晚没睡:I’ve been up all night. (S03E14)

另作安排:make other arrangements

灯亮着:The light is on.

减速带:speed bumps

通勤时间:commute time

站在他这边/支持他:take his side

给车打火:turn on the ignition

换到前进挡:shift into drive

系安全带:fasten your seat belt

踩刹车:hit the brakes



放大镜:a magnifying glass

不一定非得是:It doesn’t have to be …

电梯坏了:The elevator is out of order.

走楼梯:take the stairs

沉浸于做…:I was/got so caught up doing / in Sth

了解近况/跟上进度:Let’s get you caught up. (S04E12)

告诉我最新消息:catch me up (on Sth) (S02E03)

聊聊最近的事:catch up with Sb (S04E06)

你的朋友在拖你后腿:Your friends are holding you back.


补救这个情形:remedy the situation

做出让步:meet me/you/Sb halfway

触电身亡:Sb be electrocuted by Sth/ Sth electrocute Sb

告发:tell on Sb


你的小摩托挡住我的车了:Your scooter is blocking my car.

扔到垃圾箱:throw it in the skip [英] / dumpster [美]

查明原因:determine the cause of …

最终敲定好细节/计划:firm up the details/plans

她刚经历了分手:She just went through a really bad breakup.

我要统计人数:I need a head count.


你吓死我了:You are freaking me out.

一把/少量:a handful of …

你在这个问题上没有发言权:You have no say in the matter.

给牛排解冻:defrost a steak


我想了很多:I gave it a lot of thought.

抽筋:get cramps

脚抽筋:I got the foot cramp. (S05E13)

顺着她的意思做:go along with what she wants

这是你必须冒的风险:It's a chance you have to take.

某个东西用/吃/喝完了:We are/run out of Sth.


能帮我:be able to give me a hand

价值相当的礼物:a gift of commensurate value [kə'menʃərət]

我自找的:I brought this on myself.

涂防晒霜:wear sunblock

吃点东西:grab a bite (to eat)

忘带钥匙了:forgot one’s key

上网查:look up Sth online


提醒你一下:give you a heads up about Sth

你忽略了一个事实:You are overlooking the fact that + 句子

弥补心灵创伤:make up for the emotional wounds

兴奋得不能自已:be/get carried away


提出一个有趣的点:bring up an interesting point

为什么要提这个:Why would you bring that up? (S02E15)

创新:break new ground

节哀顺变:My condolences. [kənˈdəʊləns]

我们很投缘:We hit it off.

你来得正是时候:You're just in time.

把它提炼成一个流程图:distill its essence into a flow chart

陷入循环了:He’s stuck in an infinite loop.


被剔除掉:be eliminated

加油站:a gas station

把…公证:have Sth notarized. ['nəʊtəraɪz]

缩减开支:cut back my expenses


推迟:postpone it / put it off / put off Sth

看穿:see right through Sb/Sth

继续上次的话题:Shall we pick up where we left off last time?


我没考虑周全:I didn't think it through.

蹲:crouch [kraʊtʃ]

让你不去想:take your mind off what’s troubling you


对…有情感依恋:have an emotional attachment to Sth

孤注一掷:go for broke

想象所有可能出现的情况:imagine all the possible scenarios


发夹:a slide [英] / barrette [美] [bə'ret]

发饰:hair accessories

你是指…吗?Are you referring to Sth?

成功做成/搞定这件事:pull this off

齐心协力:If we pull together, ...


克服/想开点吧:Get over it.

我还是想不通:I still can’t get over the fact … (S05E02)

明白我的意思:catch my drift

赞成还是反对?pro or con

她还在我的考察期内:She is still on probation.

我要去慢跑:I'm going jogging.

回头见:I'll see you around.

我可以打断一下/插句话吗?May I interject something here?

你过分了:You are (way) out of line. / You cross the line (S03E02)


你在拖我后腿:You are weighing me down.


转移一下注意力:get your mind off it

绕弯子,拐弯抹角:beat around the bush

能不能再问一下:If it’s not too much to ask, ….

少废话:cut the crap

重来:start over

重来:take it from the top (S05E14)


笑料:comic fodder

前途未卜:My career is hanging in the balance.


你最初做对了:You had it right in the first place.

这事一直烦我:This annoying thing keep hovering over my head.

我懂这种感觉:I know the feeling.

在两个选项中难以抉择:I'm on the horns of a dilemma.

怎么解决的?How was it resolved?

保暖内衣:thermal underwear

认真研究:study up on Sth

别跟你妈顶嘴:Don't talk back to your mother.

生活大爆炸 第二季The Big Bang Theory(2008)

又名:天才也性感 第二季 / 天才理论传 第二季 / 大爆炸理论 第二季 / 宅男行不行 第二季(台)

主演:吉姆·帕森斯 约翰尼·盖尔克奇 凯莉·库柯 西蒙·赫尔伯格 昆瑙·内亚 莎拉·吉尔伯特 克里斯汀·芭伦斯基 凯文·苏斯曼 乔迪·琳·欧基菲 凯缇·萨克霍夫 吴汉章 马克·哈雷利克 

导演:查克·罗瑞 / 比尔·布拉迪 / 编剧:查克·罗瑞 Chuck Lorre/比尔·布拉迪 Bill Prady

生活大爆炸 第二季的影评

I • 彩蛋